Posts Tagged 'to do list'

Weekend Recap: Phew!

So I would like to start this post with an apology.  My stinky unreliable camera died again this weekend.  I need to go get more batteries, I swear the thing is on a massive AA battery binge….they last a week! So that’s the reason why no further posts were up- but that only means that this week will be crammed full – I promise I will buy batteries, TODAY! 🙂

I bet you all are wondering how I did on my list?  I actually made progress.  Not as much as I would like, but lets just say I have a dinning room again – I’m so happy to have it all cleaned up!  Here’s how I did this weekend:

1) Bloom Super Double Coupons (WHOOHOO!) Had fun with this, spent $13, but got about $50 worth of groceries!

2) Quarter Round (husband promised by Christmas Eve it will be DONE!)

3) Work on Repurpose of our old entertainment center Progress made!  It did not fit in the closet in whole form, so lets just say I dismantled the thing and started putting parts of it back in the closet.  Almost finished with it, so hopefully I will have pictures to post this week.  I also pulled aside a few pieces for a new project down the road! That project will have to be “put to bed” for the time being hint hint.

4) Hang Ikea Shelves Whoohooo! They are finally up, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them! (And my dear husband who did most of the hanging!!) I have some things on them, I think I may have too much, but hopefully pictures this week in a post!)

5)Plant Daffodil bulbs ( I know I’m behind!)

6.) Fill our picture frames (Not even kidding, I have like 10-12 frames that are hung, or displayed with no pictures) I filled 5, can that count?

7.) Deep Clean & Organize at least two roomsMy dining room and guest bath are almost completely back to normal!

8.) Finish painting Bathroom Vanity

9) Finish painting Bathroom trim.

10) Pick up Matt’s Christmas gift supplies! (Can’t wait to show you!)

11) Pick up supplies to frame bathroom mirror

12) Spray paint bathroom light fixture. So I definitely did this, only I discovered that I did NOT like heirloom white for this project.  I definitely need  to stick with the crisp white in the rest of the room – it looked dingy next to everything else.  So I’m afraid I’m going to have to redo this one!  I did get a few other things spray painted too though – so I won’t count this a total loss:)

I also stopped by Garden Ridge to finish off my entry way table (bought one more basket); Goodwill where I picked up some goodies (watch for post); I made peppermint bark, and finished up Christmas decorations. 

Oh and I finished my second Half Marathon too!  I did not beat my personal best, but considering it is the most hilly course I have run in my entire life I was happy with the time I had, about 6 minutes over my last half – I also had to tie my shoelaces two times, had a side stitch that lasted for 1.5 miles, and my knee started acting up (thank you hills) – so all hindrances aside – I’m happy with the result.  Not sure if I would ever do that half again – I might just stick with the beach ones I usually do.  Still it was fun, and Matt was super sweet to drive me up to Charlotte at 5 in the morning. 

We celebrated the day with a trip to City Range – a local steakhouse, thanks to a gift certificate someone gave me for doing freelance work.  We enjoyed the treat very much and finished the night off going to see “The Blind Side”.  Highly recommend it – one of the best movies I’ve seen in years, and probably my favorite Sandra Bullock movie, hands down. 

So that was my weekend – hope you all had a great one!

Weekend Recap: October 19th

So I had a busy weekend and worked pretty much non-stop, here’s a recap on what I had planned, and what actually got done!

1.) Fix the OOPS! of our laminate job.  Pretty much this is an aesthetic thing…it just looks wrong to me, Miss Perfectionist and I would rather it be done right so there are no questions down the road….lets say when we sell the house.  this project will probably take about 4 hours. (after 4 hours…yes 4 hours of shopping on Saturday, (Grocery Store, Bed Bath & Beyond for wedding gift, Dollar Tree to get collar and leash for “Lola”, Old Time Pottery for sheets, Pottery Barn to replace one of my stemless wine glasses that broke this spring, VS to get a free birthday gift! ($10), Bath and Body for a free lotion, Home Depot for supplies, and goodwill to check for any great deals…) I was exhausted, so…I decided to focus on getting some things off my list like the outdoor winterizing, I have a little more winterizing left, after that I’ll post everything we’ve done to cut our electric bill this winter!)

2.) Purchase quarter round for the entire house (thank goodness its only .53 cents a foot!), trim paint, and finishing nails (2 hours)

3.) Purchase some winterizing items for the house such as plastic for the windows, and gathering the supplies we already have for the house. We are planning on getting the house ready for the winter sometime next week. (3o minutes) (I’m thinking I’m going to use my Lowes coupon this weekend between the trim job and the winterizing items!)

4.) Trim back the hasta for winter, plant some tulips. (1 hour)

5.) Finish a picture project (45 min) (ALMOST done!)

6.) Work on my business plan (2 hours) (I was bad for not working on this…I also should have worked on a freelance project, guess that’s what tonight will be all about!)

7.) Figure out where to take curtains to get cleaned or figure out how to clean them myself.

8.) Install quarter round??? (well…we spent quite a bit of time AND money at home depot, because we ended up buying our own compressor and nail gun, we have enough home projects in front of us (kitchen updates, crown molding, and of course the quarter round…to make it worth having on hand, and then selling on Craigslist later) – so that’s why we ended up not getting it installed, we just didn’t have enough time to get it done, but SOON!)

9.) 9-10 mile run

10.) Buy the hubby’s b’day gift…which I still don’t know what that is so that might present a small problem!

Although we didn’t get everything done on the list, I also managed to buy a wedding gift, run some errands, actually clean the curtains and iron them, do three loads of laundry, winterize two windows (post coming on that soon, so stay tuned!) trimmed back the hedges, helped with a political conference, oh and did I mention I also sat next to a sitting Senator??

Well, that was my weekend and how much I stuck to my to do list, not too bad, but lots to do this week! Did any of you do fun projects over the weekend?

Weekend Forecast: Oct 16-18

I have a few goals this weekend which may or may not get accomplished….

1.) Fix the OOPS! of our laminate job.  Pretty much this is an aesthetic thing…it just looks wrong to me, Miss Perfectionist and I would rather it be done right so there are no questions down the road….lets say when we sell the house.  this project will probably take about 4 hours.

2.) Purchase quarter round for the entire house (thank goodness its only .53 cents a foot!), trim paint, and finishing nails (2 hours)

3.) Purchase some winterizing items for the house such as plastic for the windows, and gathering the supplies we already have for the house. We are planning on getting the house ready for the winter sometime next week. (3o minutes) (I’m thinking I’m going to use my Lowes coupon this weekend between the trim job and the winterizing items!)

4.) Trim back the hastas for winter, plant some tulips. (1 hour)

5.) Finish a picture project (45 min)

6.) Work on my business plan (2 hours)

7.) Figure out where to take curtains to get cleaned or figure out how to clean them myself.

8.) Install quarter round???

9.) 9-10 mile run

10.) Buy the hubby’s bday gift…which I still don’t know what that is so that might present a small problem!

So my list is ambitious…but if I can even get half of it off my list, especially the laminate and the quarter round, I would be THRILLED!

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